A Major Update

Right, time for some updates. You may all be wondering why there hasn’t been much activity on this blog lately. Well in truth, I haven’t been entirely lazy, I have done my impressions on both Legend and Sicario. Personally I don’t know which one is going to come next: Spectre is definitely going to be written on, but first I need to see Skyfall. Other than that, Pan doesn’t really interest me and writing about Suffragette would be me just ranting about historical inaccuracies.

BUT, what is happening for me now? Well, As you know I work in Cineworld Hammersmith as a team member, but over time my managers started to realise that I was good at explaining the plot of the films and my own opinions on them. So one of them approached me and asked me to write my impressions to be printed in the cinema, for team members to look at and help them with explanations of the films. I accepted, considering that it would help me with my CV and experience, so that when people ask me what I did at Cineworld I can say more than “issued tickets and shovelled popcorn into bags.”

Now more recently, one of my supervisors with filmmaking experience, came up to me and asked if we could expand on the written review, to create more bitesized reviews in video format for the Facebook and Instagram pages for Cineworld Hammersmith. Although the both of us are still debating why Cineworld needs an Instagram, I accepted, cos why the hell not, and right now we are working on the legal problems, filming stats, where to start and most importantly, the reply from Head Office.

All I can say is, its real nice to actually have something to do other than look dead eyed at my job and continue thinking to myself how did it come to this? Until God willing, I get into my postgraduate course, I will be able to practice my journalistic skills in some way, and who knows? This whole thing could evolve into something paid? Maybe I’ll create my own career instead of finding it. But for now, something has to be born first before we can start thinking on grand levels.

For now, I’ll just say that Legend and Sicario Impressions are on their way. Very late, especially in terms of Legend, but better that than never.

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