A Major Update

Right, time for some updates. You may all be wondering why there hasn’t been much activity on this blog lately. Well in truth, I haven’t been entirely lazy, I have done my impressions on both Legend and Sicario. Personally I don’t know which one is going to come next: Spectre is definitely going to be written on, but first I need to see Skyfall. Other than that, Pan doesn’t really interest me and writing about Suffragette would be me just ranting about historical inaccuracies.

BUT, what is happening for me now? Well, As you know I work in Cineworld Hammersmith as a team member, but over time my managers started to realise that I was good at explaining the plot of the films and my own opinions on them. So one of them approached me and asked me to write my impressions to be printed in the cinema, for team members to look at and help them with explanations of the films. I accepted, considering that it would help me with my CV and experience, so that when people ask me what I did at Cineworld I can say more than “issued tickets and shovelled popcorn into bags.”

Now more recently, one of my supervisors with filmmaking experience, came up to me and asked if we could expand on the written review, to create more bitesized reviews in video format for the Facebook and Instagram pages for Cineworld Hammersmith. Although the both of us are still debating why Cineworld needs an Instagram, I accepted, cos why the hell not, and right now we are working on the legal problems, filming stats, where to start and most importantly, the reply from Head Office.

All I can say is, its real nice to actually have something to do other than look dead eyed at my job and continue thinking to myself how did it come to this? Until God willing, I get into my postgraduate course, I will be able to practice my journalistic skills in some way, and who knows? This whole thing could evolve into something paid? Maybe I’ll create my own career instead of finding it. But for now, something has to be born first before we can start thinking on grand levels.

For now, I’ll just say that Legend and Sicario Impressions are on their way. Very late, especially in terms of Legend, but better that than never.

An Update: On Life

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of content or life in this blog. Like I said, I’am actually going to try and keep this blog alive, no more leaving things to wither and die: But to be honest, March has been quite a dry month for films, and I don’t have a PS4 yet, so I can’t talk about Bloodborne right now. Next month on the other hand….April is going to be a bountiful year, I can tell. Birthday, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Fast and Furious 7, potential PS4….things ware going to be incredibly busy, but huge sowing means huge reaping. So, to updating:

YouTube: I’ve already finished Toal’s path on Ys Origin, just got to edit the last boss and ending then everything will be ready for uploading. As soon as that’s done…..I have zero idea on what I’am going to do next. I have been thinking of re-doing the Megaman Starforce Trilogy, like I re-did Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but…..its going to be a real struggle on making sure everything works.

My Book: I’am pleased to announce that I have finished the Chapter Plan, so I’am ready to finally start writing drafts. I still haven’t figured out a good name for the book yet, but I’ll think of something in time. Still though, it’s refreshing to know that actual progress is being made. Publishing worries can be dealt with AFTER the draft is complete.

Career progress: Still looking…..

But please stay tuned, for a lot of content next month! See y’all in April!

So many ideas, so little time! Ideas for a potential novel

As you may know from my deviantArt page, and my journalism education background, writing is my passion. Journalism is the career I wish to enter, but one day I would love to write books, specifically fiction. I’ve always had a love for books, since first picking up Horrible Histories and The Tales of Redwall, and I have always wanted to write a book myself, demonstrate the range of my imagination. However I’ve felt many times that there isn’t the time, or the resources to do so. When I’m not studying for University, then I’am busy applying for jobs, trying desperately to get that foot on the first rung of the journalist ladder. Either that, or many other disturbances vie for my attention.

So, just as a constant reminder, and also to put my ideas in a place more stable than my memories, here are my budding ideas for a novel! (Note: I have no names for my ideas yet. I’ve always found it more wise to name something when its fully formed.)

  1. This is pretty much my first: a simple time travel story. Its basically the story of a guy who finds a strange portal, in a deserted alleyway or something goes wrong and he finds himself falling in time. He jumps into a different point in time, but he is not the same. He finds that he has a different set of memories, because he is a different person( For example, one scenario finds him in the Roman Empire under the reign of the mad Emperor Caligula, and he takes on the persona of Cassius Chaerea, the former soldier who assassinates Caligula). If he wants to advance from this point in time, he must fulfil the task that he-or better yet is persona is given. If he succeeds, his consciousness is transported to another period in time, with a new persona and a new task. If he fails then…..who knows? Considering that he has probably gone back in time, failing to do things historically could have severe consequences, his death being the least of them.

This story would be the easiest to write in my opinion, however it will need a lot of research and preparation into the different time periods that I will be looking at. Also, there needs to be an overarching story, not simply of exploration, but also of investigation: Why did that portal exist in the first place? And what are the origins and intricacies behind being sent to different time periods? However, I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t this an exaggerated version of Quantum Leap? A question to which I can only reply with the truth: When I first started thinking about this, I had NEVER heard of, or watched Quantum Leap. On my faith.

  1. This one is a mix between X-Men and Persona 4, and to be honest, the hardest story I would have to write: The plot goes is that certain people in the world develop different superpowers, but they come with a twist: These superpowers are the physical manifestation of the side of their personality, or themselves that they hate the most: For example, if a person hates being ignored or being unnoticed to the point of being invisible, then their power is that they can become invisible. If someone hates the fact that they can be too caring or nice, then their power would be that they can heal people of their wounds. I remember a friend giving it a good name-“minus abilities”. And to be honest, the name has stuck. These “minus abilities” however operate on instinct, not choice. They will only activate when the person has an instinctive reaction to something happening around them. It will occur, or not occur regardless of when the person desires it. The only way that can have full control, is when they begin to discover why they have that power in particular. When they look within themselves, they find what it is about them that they hate above all, and then accept that fact. Then they can use their powers at will. Of course that is only half of the battle….why do they have these powers in the first place? This is the story that requires the most character development and analysis so far, and its the reason why this one is the best idea I’ve had, and yet the one I’ve been the most reluctant to execute. Because it would take a massive amount or care, work and thought.
  2. The story that I’am in the process of writing now, simply because I could take things to so many places: This is a story inspired by both the Souls Series and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: The plot is as follows-the world is in ruins, thanks to a Cataclysm that has seen this world and the “Other World” join together dimensionally in an event known as “The Union”(I’am sure I can find a better name). Portals to a world filled with fantastical creatures and lands that defy all logic (some even based on the legends and myths of mankind) tear into existence around the world, ravaging all. But that is not the death knell for humanity: For their is a new affliction spreading: Those afflicted by it are known as the Severed:these are individuals who have their souls  torn in two, anchored in both the human world and the other world. As time moves on, their souls continue to split further, memories and personality fading until everything they are and once were are gone, replaced by naught but blank madness. However the decay is staved off, held back by a sense of purpose, a point of focus. And for the Severed still sound of mind, there is one purpose big enough to keep them solvent: For their connection with the Other world grants them special powers, the most important being the ability to access portals that connect the two worlds without the danger of dissolution. They can travel to the “Other World” and back at will. With this, they try to discover how and why the human world and the other world collided with each other, and even if there is some form of solution to the chaos.